Hello, I'm Nerwen ! I'm sorry, I can't speak Russian But this site seems so full of good stuffs and awesome ! I want to be a part of it if you agree.
So, russian is very difficult to me so Google will help me. ( Well I hope so )
1.) Твое настоящее имя и фамилия / my name : Nerwen
2.) Твой возраст / my age : 21 years
3.) В какой стране ты живешь? / In what country do you live? : I'm from Belgium, I speak French.
4.) В каком городе ты находишься? / In what city are you ? I suppose you don't know it but I live in Liège.
5) Есть ли у тебя питомник? / Do you have a nursery? I'm not sure to understand the question... Do I have a kennel ? Yes, a little one of German Shepherds.
6.) Как давно ты в RDF? / How long have you been in the RDF? Uhm, just now ?
7.) Чего ты хочешь добиться здесь? / What do you want to achieve here? Meet people, learn, see other's dog etc.